Binge With Me

Hey! I’m great at procrastinating, thus I’ve watched more TV than I probably should oops. I’m here to recommend some stuff for you to watch if you’re bored. I think I’m going to stick to TV series, but I might throw in a movie next time if I do this again.

Alright starting with Number 1, drumroll please…Brooklyn Nine-Nine!

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First, Andy Samberg is the funniest person ever. He’s such a great actor, and the role of Jake Peralta is perfect for him. He’s a sassy, sarcastic, investigative detective well known for his “cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool… cool” and his obsession with the movie Die Hard. He has some of the best quotes of the show: “I guess that’s your new best friend now, Santiago. Emphasis on ‘Iago,’ backstabber…What the hell’s Othello? I’m calling you the parrot from Aladdin.” He delivers some fantastic lines, but it’s not only him, Gina, Charles, Rosa, Amy, Terry, and Holt are all amazing characters on their own as well. They’re a bunch of NYPD officers, yet with the number of shenanigans they get up to, you could’ve fooled me. You get so much insight into each character, even the side ones, that you just fall in love with the show. I highly recommend if you haven’t seen it before, there are 6 seasons of entertainment in store for you.

Next up we have The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina!

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So I have watched the ’90s sitcom of Sabrina the Teenage Witch countless times, I’m pretty sure I watched the animated series growing up too. I cannot stress how much I love this adaptation of the story though. I’m normally not one for anything even remotely scary (I was scarred for life after seeing this one horror movie my brother was watching, when I was very young), but this? This is amazing. It’s not like super scary by any means, but it is mystical. I love how much the story plays into the magical/witchy parts that the sitcom didn’t. Kiernan Shipka plays Sabrina, who has some nice outfits by the way, and she has to decide between the mortal world of her friends and the dark realm of the Spellman family. The show actually has the same writers as Riverdale, but that show is so cringeworthy that it’s laughable. I can’t believe the writers are the same because the shows are worlds apart, like Sabrina is so good, and Riverdale is so yikes. Anyway, if you’re up for some witchy antics you need to watch this show. It’s dramatic, intense, and often witty with the help of everyone’s favorite “let’s blow up the Vatican” warlock cousin, Ambrose. The plot is a lot to wrap your head around, but it’s fascinating. Also, they know how to throw in a musical number *cough Riverdale cough.* There are only 2 seasons out at the moment, but I’m pretty sure more are in the works.

I think that’s it for today so happy binging everyone!

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