Do You Ever?

Hey, do you ever just like take personality quizzes for fun just to see if they get anything about you correct? lol because I totally do. And I’m not talking about random Buzzfeed quizzes, which to be fair are extremely entertaining (turns out if I was a character in Beauty and the Beast and I was cursed into an object, I’d be a freaking pillow), but I mean like the Myers Briggs Personality Test? If you’ve never taken it, you can probably find a quiz online. But basically, you’re given a 4 letter “code” thing I guess, and that represents 4 different aspects of your personality. There are 16 different combinations, and I happen to be an INFJ. Anyone with me on that? Apparently, INFJ’s are the rarest and makeup 1-2% of the population. My letters stand for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. So basically, I’m an emotional and well organized lone wolf who likes ideas more than facts. Kind of ironic that I’m introverted though because we supposedly appear to be extroverted. I actually find this to be quite true, as much as I enjoy alone time, I also feel compelled to talk to people. However, I do find social interaction exhausting, like a day of small talk is tiring lol. But yeah, I’ve acutally been called the most “extroverted asian” someone has ever met which I honestly don’t mind. I think the most accurate of all the traits listed is probably that I’m extremely private and perfectionistic. This is probably a whole conversation in itself, but I struggle heavily with both of these. I’m terrible about opening up, even to close friends and family. Probably doesn’t help that I hate talking about myself (on a side note, if I have to write one more college essay about myself, I’m jumping off a cliff lol). As for the perfectionist thing, I’ve been like that for as long as I can remember. It becomes a real issue when I become fixated on trivial matters, but my most entertaining example of this is probably that I’ve spend like 2 hours trying to fix the littlest lines on a nose I was drawing one time…oops. I think I’ll stop there for the moment. I encourage you to take the time and learn about your personality type if you don’t know, it’s really cool and who knows, you might learn something about yourself. See you 🙂