The Brother Chronicles…Part 3

Hey we’re back with more work stories from my brother’s lovely place of employment lol who knew Starbucks was just a full pot of tea. He has been promoted to a shift manager, and oh boy believe me the amount of complaining just skyrocketed after that. I’ve heard so much about this one dude, we’re just going to call him Chris. So Chris, he was hired at about the same time as my brother. And he claimed to have previous barista experience. Ok so someone explain to me how someone can be so bad at their job when they’ve done something similar previously? Apparently he just always makes a mess when he makes drinks, he can’t make drinks properly (this boy is slow, supposedly my brother can make 3 drinks in the same amount of time that he can make 1…that’s just sad dude), and he can’t even work all the positions. Guys, please don’t be Chris at work. That’s just annoying and frustrating to deal with. Pull your weight and do what you’re supposed to do, to quote my Orchestra teacher “It’s not brain surgery or rocket science.”

So this is still about Starbucks, but this time a little bit more focused on me lol. I share a car with him, and there were a lot of times where I would go pick him up when his shift ended. On occassion, I would go inside. In total, I maybe went inside like 4 times? There was one day when my brother came home from work, and he went on about his typical complaining (here’s looking at you Chris). But afterwards, he told me about a few of his coworkers. Brief preface, these Starbucks guys are wild lol (at least in my opinion). He tells me that a few of his coworkers thought I was cute. I mean ok cool story bro, like they’ve maybe seen me once or twice? It got a little weirder when my brother told me that one of them wanted to ask me to homecoming (yes this an older story lol). Um, hi I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t ask a random stranger to homecoming? This guy didn’t know me at all, pretty sure I had never even spoken to him. That made me kinda uncomfortable not gonna lie, I’m relatively introverted so even the thought of asking someone I know well to homecoming is a whole issue in itself. Apparently, this guy will bug my brother and ask when I’ll come visit him, him not my brother, him. Major weirdo vibes people. Needless to say, I’m avoiding Starbucks just a little bit. Alright that’s enough of that, until next time!

The Brother Chronicles..Part 2

I know the title is a bit dramatic lol but I mean it’s the return of my brother: the amazing chef..sort of. So we used to work together because we applied to the same place at the same time. But then he had to leave for a trip, which by the way it is so not fair that he got to go on that trip and I didn’t. He traveled to Hong Kong back in July, and he got to hang out with our relatives. He really just went to visit every fun place he could without me, I’m clearly very upset lol. Not really, but he visited amusement parks, themed areas where he took fun photos, restaurants with lots of good food, and areas specifically designed for taking interesting pictures. No I’m not obsessed with photography for social media, even though it sounds like it, I just genuinely enjoy photography itself. Plus it’s so rare to find places like that where I live so.. now back to the original idea, my brother got a new job when he came back. He’s now a Starbucks barista, so next time you visit, you might catch him there all you lucky people in STL. And I’m 100% joking when I say lucky, I don’t like STL but everyone is obviously entitled to their own opinions. Anyway, every time he comes home from work he throws a fit. He’s very upset about with and I quote, “Suburban White Mom’s who come in the afternoon like I want an Iced White Chocolate Mocha with three pumps of this, 4 pumps of that, 2 shots of espresso, soy milk, no whipped cream, etc. etc.,” apparently the list goes on and he’s not happy lol. And shoutout to all the teens because he doesn’t hate you, apparently we’re all basic and just get what’s on the menu. Also he hates making frappes, but he has made so many now that he just doesn’t care. Isn’t desensitization fun? Ok that’s all for now, I really should not be procrastinating other things, byee!